Programme overview

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The programme is designed to help you get ready for the worldwide character of modern business practices, and it has an international setting.

Academic learning places a strong focus on practical experience that is influenced by current research and international standards. Because this degree programme includes a wide range of academic areas, it gives you the chance to build specialist business expertise.

The BSc (Hons) Business Management programme will give you a critical understanding of the global issues and challenges that organisations face, regardless of the industry you work in, and will give you the analytical and critical skills necessary to recognise and communicate.

Programme details

(1st year) Level 4 Diploma in Business

Cycle Ingénieur D’état

Génie Civil

(2nd year) Level 5 Diploma in Business

(Last year) BSc (Hons) Business Management (top-up)

Career prospects

Graduates who hold specialized expertise supported by a broader comprehension of how managers and firms function are at a distinct advantage when seeking work or going it alone.

You will be prepared to take on a variety of business and management positions in the private and nonprofit sectors after completing this course.

Retail management, human resources, marketing, customer service management, advertising, merchandising, logistics and supply chain management, and accounting, are a few notable career fields that you can work in.

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Recognised Universities

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